Bad to the Drone | |
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Air date | July 29, 2008 |
Written by | Jaime Paglia |
Directed by | Bryan Spicer |
Episode guide | |
Preceded by "A Night At Global Dynamics" |
Followed by "What About Bob?" |
Cast | Transcript |
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Season 3 | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | |
Season 2 | Season 4 |
"Bad to the Drone" is the first episode of the third season of Eureka.
Success comes at a price, as several citizens of Eureka discover when the DOD sends a corporate fixer, reputed to have completely revamped more Fortune 500 companies than anyone else, to town during an Anti-Missile test that sees the target drone named Martha threatening Eureka.
Jack and Zoe Carter are at home and Jack is concerned about the “big step” that Zoe is taking, a part-time job working at Café Diem. Jack tells Zoe that he is not happy that she is working there. Zoe reassures Jack that the nuclear reactor in the restaurant is fusion not fission and therefore no danger. Then, the subject changes to Jack's visit with Henry, who is still in jail. Jack says that the hearing is today and that it is his last chance to see him. Zoe walks into Café Diem and Zane and Jo are enjoying their morning coffee. Zane brags that he is going to be doing final testing on the Viper and Joe and Zane have plans to “celebrate” later. Allison and Stark are talking about the proposal he gave Allison. She is uncertain and brings up how it their first marriage failed and that he always put his work first. Vincent is clearly overhears. Allison changes the subject and says that a liaison from the Department of Defense is coming to Global Dynamics and she is worried about the security breach with Henry and that she will be fired. Vincent tells Jo and Zoe that Stark proposed to Allison.
Fargo is making sure that there are no last minute tweaks that need to be done on the Viper. Larry walks up and tells Fargo not to mess up in front of the Department of Defense. Dr. Edison designed the drones that the Viper is supposed to be able to shoot down. But one that Edison calls Martha, is expected to beat the Viper in the test. Fargo receives a text message that one of the liaisons of the Department of Defense is nicknamed “The Fixer”. Larry jokes and says that “The Fixer” makes Sun Tzu sound like Mary Poppins. Meanwhile, “The Fixer” enters Global Dynamics and Fargo says that her name is Eva Thorne. She is a corporate rebuilding legend. Eva meets Allison, Stark and Fargo upstairs and she already knows Fargo's name. Allison tells Fargo that she knows all their names. Allison, who has been calling Eva by her last name, is pressed to call Eva by her first name. Eva is persistent in saying that she is only there to “help” and to see if she can find ways to improve Global Dynamics. Eva says that Global Dynamics needs to “earn their keep”.
It’s time for the Viper test and Eva is there to make sure that Global Dynamics can deliver. Allison and Stark describe the Viper as an anti-missile defense system that can destroy twelve targets without any problem. Stark says that it is the 20th test they have done on the Viper and all have been successful. The test begins and Edison launches all the drones, including Martha. The Viper shoots down 11 of the 12 drones. Martha is left and she is dodging the Viper's attacks and flies towards them. She shoots back and blows up the Viper. Stark orders Edison to hit the failsafe, but she is not responding to commands.
Jack is visiting Henry in prison and Henry has buzzed his hair off. They start playing chess. Henry fired his lawyer and says that he is guilty of everything he has been charged with. Jack tells Henry that he did it to save Allison's son and to that Henry says, “Some things can’t be forgiven.” Henry tells the guard that he wants to go back to his cell. As Henry leaves he tells Jack to move the chess piece that wins him the game. Jack goes to Henry's garage and it is full of Department of Defense agents who are confiscating everything as evidence. Jo's there and she says that they have a court order and that everything needs to go. Jack says that Allison needs to do something, but Jo tells Jack that she is focused on “other matters” and tells Jack about Stark’s proposal to Allison. Jack looks devastated but says that he is happy for Allison. Back at Global Dynamics, Stark tells Jack that Martha, the drone, has escaped. Jack meets Eva as she is searching out a spare office where she can set up camp and Larry rushes up to her and informs that he has one already for her. He is clutching Eva's book. Jack jokes to Larry that you can never judge a book by its cover. Fargo expresses his frustration about Larry.
Jack is on mission to get Martha back before any more damage happens. They feel Edison is stopping Martha from returning. Jack and Allison are alone after Stark leaves and Jack says that he knows of the engagement and asks if she’s accepted, Allison answers that she has not decided. But Jack doesn't care and walks out. Jack goes and sees Edison who is in the Viper control room. He has no clue what happened with the Martha. Edison says that Martha is a learning computer and that she learns at an incredible rate. Jack likens her to a teenager who is temperamental and dangerous. The electro-magnetic shield that surrounds Eureka is stopping Martha from escaping. Edison says that she is growing up too fast. Meanwhile, Zoe is trying to figure out her new job at Café Diem and the ability to serve what people want without a menu. Vincent shows Zoe the fridge and it is bigger than the restaurant! It is huge! Vincent gives her a basket and tells her to get the items on the list.
Jack and Jo start looking for Martha and we find out that Edison went to Cal Tech, married his lab assistant Mina and has been working for Global Dynamics for 15 years. Martha finds Jack and hovers in front of his jeep. Jo speeds up and points her laser gun at her. Martha goes into battle mode and emits a sonic blast that takes out all the windows in Jack's jeep. A crowd forms and Jack tells everyone to get off the street. Martha is chasing Jack and Jo and they trap her in the office. Martha turns invisible. Jack throws a blanket on her and they get her in the jail cell. She turns and blasts a hole in the station's wall. Stark comes by and mocks the fact that Jack thought a jail cell was going to stop Martha. Eva is there and says that since Jack has been in Eureka, the incidences have tripled. Jack is confused and asks if Eva is saying that it is his fault that things happen. Stark says that “Numbers don’t lie”. Jack says that all the residents are to stay off the street until they get Martha. Eva compliments Stark's management style.
Jack questions Allison about her proposal again and Allison thinks she might still love Stark. Jack says that they have that in common because Stark loves himself too. They arrive at Edison's house and Mina answers the door with champagne and two glasses. She was expecting her husband. Edison pulls up and they walk into the backyard. Edison has not told his wife what happened today at Global Dynamics. He has no clue where Martha is and that he did not program Martha to turn invisible like she did. Martha is in the Barn but invisible. Stark moves in with his team and confiscates Edison's life work. Martha's battery is critical. Jack is still moping over Allison's new engagement. Jack tells Zane that Martha is upgrading but Zane doesn't believe it. Jack asks if there is a way that Martha could recharge. Zane says that a Fusion reactor would do the trick. Jack remembers that a fusion reactor is in Vincent's cafe.
Zoe is still in the fridge and Martha is there. She helps Martha recharge. Jack enters with the blaster and alerts the town that an invisible drone is on the loose. They don't react and Vincent tells him to “lay off the vin-spresso”. Zoe comes out of the refrigerator and says that Martha was right behind her. Jack attempts to find Martha by squirting mustard in the air and gets Vincent instead. Eva and Larry enter Café Diem and Martha shows herself and shoots toward Larry and hits the book he's holding. Jack and Jo take Martha down with their proton blasters. Everyone is ok, except Larry. Jack tells Zoe to go home because it is not safe. She tries to assert her independence but Jack is not budging. Allison says that Larry is only unconscious and Eva tells Jack to take Martha to Global Dynamics to have her dismantled. The review is not looking good. Jack goes back to Edison's barn and says that Mina was the person who put the transmitter on Martha. But she didn't install the transmitter. She admits to having boosted Martha's system. Edison says that if Martha was aiming at a target she wouldn't miss. They rush back to Café Diem.
Vincent is upset that Jack told Zoe to go home and tells him to look around himself. Jo finds Larry's book and they find the remote control inside burnt to a crisp. Back at Global Dynamics, Zane and Eva are talking and she says that she wants the best man for the job. Martha's light turns on. Jack visits Larry in the hospital and they tell him that they found the book and remote. He says that he was only controlling Martha a little bit but was surprised when she took out the Viper. There is a security breach where Martha is and they find that she was pretending that she was down to get into Global Dynamics to access the other drones. Now they are heading for the town to attack. The drones zoom overhead and everyone is escorted off the streets.
Zoe is inside the house and she is talking to S.A.R.A.H. She says that Jack is doing the best he can. S.A.R.A.H. shuts down after getting orders to do so. A door opens. Meanwhile, the drones are blowing things up. Back at Global Dynamics, Allison says that the drones are going to attack all the towers that hold the town under the electro-magnetic shield. Jack drives in the streets and tells all the residents to get inside. Jack gets a call from Zoe and she says that Martha is there. Jack gets home and S.A.R.A.H. powers up again with Zoe unharmed. Back at Global Dynamics, only a few beacons remain. Jack tells them to power down the beacons and to let Martha go. Eva disagrees but Jack tells her that she was just trying to set Zoe free after Jack grounded her. Eva tells Stark to call in air support to shoot the drones down. But Stark and Allison believe Jack. Eva calls General Mansfield. Via satellite General Mansfield agrees with Eva. Allison calls Jack and they have to shut down the beacons before the air strike come in. As Eva gives orders, Fargo “accidentally” lowers the shield. The communication between the fighters and Eva cuts off and it is Zane who is the culprit. Stark tells the fighters not to attack unless fired upon.
Edison rigged up a communication device to Martha and Zoe tells Martha that running away doesn't solve any problems and that parents are there to help you out. Jack chimes in “Don’t start World War III”. Meanwhile, Martha is taking aim and Zoe is trying to get through to her. Before they collide with each other, Martha takes the drones back to Edison's. Eva is upset that her orders were not obeyed and says that they were all lucky. Eva believes that they are running an asylum. Eva puts Stark in charge of Global Dynamics on a temporary basis and puts Allison as the Director of Operations. Eva says that she will be sitting as Chairman. Eva has “big changes” for Global Dynamics. Allison catches Jack before he leaves and thanks him. He asks Allison again about Stark and she replies “I think so”. Jack tells her that he'll be there for her. At Café Diem, Allison and Stark are talking and Allison asks if he was going to leave if Allison wasn't working with him. He says that he was and Allison accepts his proposal finally. Jack enters the restaurant and apologizes to Zoe for being late. Zoe says, “I am afraid you are” while looking at Stark and Allison. He is sad but accepts the fact. Back at Global Dynamics, in her new office, Eva pulls out a vile of blue liquid inside.
Memorable Quotes[]
- Carter: "Let me guess. Someone lose a UFO?"
- Allison: "Look, can the two of you get along for five minutes?"
- Carter and Stark in unison: "Not likely!"
- The name is a play on the George Thoroughgood and the Destroyers' hit "Bad to the Bone".
Martha's scan of Zoe's personnel file reveals her address as 3 Coriolis Loop. Her natural hair color is listed as "unknown"
Sheriff Carter is driving his newer model Jeep while clearing the streets, then while speeding home to help Zoe,he's back in his old model Cherokee.