Eureka Wiki
Welcome Back, Carter
Welcome Back, Carter
Air date July 10, 2009
Written by Bruce Miller
Directed by Matthew Diamond
Episode guide
Preceded by
"From Fear to Eternity"
Followed by
"Your Face or Mine"
Cast | Transcript
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"Welcome Back, Carter" is the ninth episode of the third season of Eureka.


Carter hunts for a new job, having been forced out by the DoD. Lupo resigns from the police force when she is passed over for the new arrival, Sheriff Andy. Meanwhile, gravity is behaving oddly, and not even his encyclopedic knowledge can keep the new Sheriff out of trouble.


Carter is interviewing for a job at Homeland Security. Back in town Jack talks about the job to Henry, who is looking into a disturbance with an antenna.

In Café Diem, Zoe expresses concern about their having to leave town and Carter assures her he told Homeland he couldn't leave until the end of her semester. Jo tells Carter she wants to be sheriff, "but not like this." The super-pregnant Allison tells them the city has hired a new sheriff, who turns out to be a Department of Defense robot named Sheriff Andy.

Allison complains about the new sheriff to General Mansfield, to no avail. Back at home Carter sees Lexi has had a Dr. Fielding build her a zero-gravity bubble for her home birth. SARAH tells Carter there has been a car accident involving Allison.

At the scene Carter sees that everyone is ok, though a tree randomly falls onto a car while they are standing there. Andy shows up and secures the scene.

Carter works on a milkshake at Café Diem. Allison tells Carter that Andy believes the tree falling was just an accident. He tells her Homeland has offered him the job and wants him to start in a few days.

Zoe is furious they will have to move right away. Andy shows up to collect Carter's uniform. While there he tracks in a few pieces of tree debris which SARAH quickly analyzes. She spots genetic abnormalities.

Carter brings this info to Allison. She points him to a Global Dynamics tree expert named Dr. Leonardo. Carter and Jo visit Leonardo, who is working on accelerated tree growth. She refuses to analyze the samples because they are no longer with the sheriff's office.

Carter pays a visit to Andy, who is running a diagnostic on the town's security system. Carter thinks Dr. Leonardo knows more than she is telling. As Carter moves towards his car an enormous radio dish falls on Andy, chopping him in half.

While Fargo works to fix Andy, Allison tells Carter that Henry is investigating the radio dish. Henry tells Carter that the bolt holding the dish was sheared off, despite the fact that it's tungsten carbide, which can hold up to 29 tons of weight. Carter asks how the radio dish can snap the bolt and Henry explains that it couldn't. Especially not that radio dish. He then picks up the gigantic radio dish by himself in order to demonstrate how lightweight it is. Henry explains that the dish is made of beryllium composite, which is an airiest material and very lightweight. Henry tells Carter that the whatever pulled the dish down had a force equal to 100-Class 5 tornados.

Carter finds Dr. Leonardo where the trees fell. She tells Carter and Andy (who is fixed due to Fargo) she grew the trees along that road and has no idea why it would have fallen. At Diem, Henry wonders if there may have been fluctuations in gravitational pull. Andy agrees to look into it just before his car is squashed with him inside.

Henry believes gravity wells are to blame. They are starting to form all over Eureka. Carter tells Allison and Jo he thinks Andy might be a target.

The technology needed to steer a gravity well is similar to what Fielding uses in his birthing bubble. Carter, Henry and Allison confront Fielding about what his work has done. They bring him back to Global Dynamics and have him try to fix the problem using GD's particle accelerator. The attempt fails catastrophically, resulting in gravity wells popping up all over town. After a few questions, it becomes clear Fielding has no idea what he's doing and admits to working with a German scientist he knew only from email.

After learning no such person exists, Allison tracks the emails to Carter's house. Carter accuses Zoe of trying to help Fielding to hurt Andy before SARAH steps in and admits it was her. SARAH let her "artificial emotions get the best" of her since she was scared of being left alone when Carter moved.

With uncontrolled gravity wells showing up all over the place, Henry tells Carter the entire West coast is at risk. The plan is then to detonate a bomb of sorts at Fielding's lab in an attempt to restore gravitational pull. Since the lab has now become a center of instability "birds hitting the ground like cannon balls" they ask Andy to be the one to go in. Since the town charter prohibits the sheriff from placing himself in "unreasonable danger," Andy refuses to help. Not surprisingly, Carter volunteers.

Carter gets halfway into the room but gets trapped by one of the wells and drops the battery they were using to create the bomb. Andy comes to the rescue and uses his own body to overload the field. Both end up being okay and the day is saved.

Prior to a going away party, Henry tells Carter that Andy helped him find a loophole in the town charter which prevents the Department of Defense from firing the sheriff without written permission from the mayor. Carter never lost his job in the first place. Andy decides to leave, telling Carter he isn't cut out for the job.

After the welcome back party, Henry tells Allison he has found a strange radio signal: "There is something out there and it's heading straight for us."

Memorable Quotes[]

Carter: Vince, can I get a burger?
Vince: A simple meal for a simple man.

Dr. Leonardo: So where are your uniforms?
Carter: Er it's an unofficial visit.
Dr. Leonardo: So is true that you guys got fired?
Jo: He got fired, I, uh, I quit.
Dr. Leonardo: Bummer.

Allison: [translating for Sheriff Andy] I just came to town why would someone want to murder me?
Carter: I would, I mean, if I wanted my job back.
Allison: Me too.
Jo: I wouldn't mind seeing you dead. No offense.

Jo: There's tiny bit of trouble with the traffic light on main street.
Carter: [on the Phone] Well, what's wrong?
Jo: Now it's kinda in main street.

(Sheriff Andy has just been fried by a tensor field)
Sheriff Andy: [moaning] Ouch! I don't think I like this job.

