Eureka Wiki
Your Face or Mine
Your Face or Mine
Air date July 17, 2009
Written by Jaime Paglia
Directed by Colin Ferguson
Episode guide
Preceded by
"Welcome Back, Carter"
Followed by
"Insane in the P-Brane"
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"Your Face or Mine" is the tenth episode of the third season of Eureka.


Lupo takes over as acting sheriff while Carter has re-certification testing. Several people get a Freaky Friday feeling, which is no coincidence, but does give Fargo at least one 'dream moment'.


We open with Carter having to undergo a crazy re-certification process which will test him physically and psychologically. Jo has just finished hers, with Julia claiming, "she's perfect." Julia gives Jo a few pills and tells her to get some rest. Carter is handed a panic button and told he can use it whenever he needs to, but if he does, he'll fail the test and be out of a job.

Allison tells Henry GD wants to begin biometric DNA monitoring of both the company and town. Henry doesn't like the potential invasion of privacy. Votes will come from the head of Global Dynamics, Allison, the mayor, Henry, and the sheriff's department. With Carter having started his test, that means Jo.

Jo walks into Café Diem and gives Zane a long kiss. Fargo watches longingly. Zoe assures him "There's someone out there for everyone." Jo and Zane argue over whether someone could actually be perfect.

Dr. Stefano tells Allison the pilot DNA program is ready to go. After Henry and Allison split their votes, Jo breaks the tie by voting yes, because she feels it's more secure for the town. Jo is selected to go first to have her DNA scanned and, despite Stefano telling her it's a painless process because all it does is scan her, once the ray comes on, she begins screaming and falls to the floor. Jo eventually comes to, and Stefano doesn't know what happened. Stefano opens the machine and tells them that the spectrometer is missing. Jo goes off to investigate while Stefano puts the machine back together.

Carter begins his test in a huge, white room. A red button appears on the wall. A female voice tells him to "push the button" and that he has everything he needs to accomplish the task. When he walks toward the button the floor falls away and he is left standing on a small square.

Henry tells Jo the spectrometer theft could be related to an intramuscular electrode array he is now missing.

With Carter testing, Jo is left to help Zoe with her homework. Zoe wants to go to a karaoke thing at Café Diem, but a tired Joe tells her no.

Carter thinks the tiles that are now missing from the floor is a hologram and starts walking. He immediately falls, just barely managing to grab onto the platform he was standing on.

Jo walks into Cafe Diem and shocks Fargo when she sits down next to him. She further surprises Fargo with her extensive knowledge about Sci-Fi and video games. Allison asks her how the investigation is going, and Jo tells her the screechy guy on stage is the culprit, indicating Larry. Larry is tossed in the jail cell at the sheriff's station and Jo says she doesn't know what his motive is for taking all the devices. Allison and Henry are both concerned something is wrong with Jo.

Carter climbs back onto his square and is given a deck of cards. He starts tossing them at the button and finds that they are landing on small patches of invisible ground.

Jo walks into Diem armed to the teeth. Zoe has snuck into the bar to sing but Jo doesn't seem to care. Jo is surprised when her "usual" is Ouzo rather than coffee, then jumps on stage in a red dress. After finishing a song, she plants a long kiss on Fargo, which everyone sees. Zane is upset by what happened, but Jo blows him off.

The next morning Jo wakes up and has no clue when Zoe references the night before. Fargo shows up and tells Jo "Your kiss moved my soul." Jo laughs and says she doesn't have time for jokes.

Carter uses his card-covered route to get closer to the button. At that point, a cup of straws is raised up back on the original platform. The voice ells him that he's on Stage 2 and repeats that he has all the tools he needs.

Jo has no idea why Larry is in the holding cell or why Zane thinks she made-out with Fargo the night before. Jo lets Larry go and Allison calls her over to GD.

Plasma used for tumor treatment was stolen from the infirmary last night. Stefano tells Jo that based on DNA she is the one responsible for all the crimes. Allison and Henry want to give her tests and say her "aberrant behavior" could be the result of the DNA monitoring accident. She assures them she isn't crazy, and they allow her to continue investigating until Carter is done.

Jo confronts Stefano about his security measures. She questions how her DNA was monitored simultaneously in the infirmary and by SARAH at home in bed. Stefano caves that there were two DNA strands for Jo discovered but he thought it was an anomaly.

Jo apologizes to Fargo for being so strange and arranges a date at the gun range later. Zane talks to Fargo about how weird Jo's been acting.

Henry tells Jo the three stolen devices have applications for DNA manipulation.

Jo goes to Julia's lab and finds that Julia now looks exactly like her. Julia apologizes, saying she just wanted to know what it was like to be Jo for a day. Unfortunately, the DNA strands are unstable, and Julia doesn't know how to reverse the process. Jo tries to put Julia under arrest but doubles over as the pills Julia gave her after re-certification kick-in.

Jo wakes up to find herself in custody, now looking just like Julia. Julia (who looks like Jo) is claiming that she is Jo and Jo is Julia. Allison says they are going to decide what to do with Fake Julia and they leave.

Carter finally figures out how to push the button by throwing his "Escape Remote" at the big red button. The moment he does, he is immediately covered in cold water and the voice tells him it's the next stage of the test.

At the gun range Fargo grills Fake Jo about how she's been acting. Fake Jo tries to kiss him, but Fargo turns her down, saying he doesn't think he knows her after all.

Zane shows up to where Jo's being held. After a few only-Jo-could-know-the-answer questions and a kiss, Zane believes this person is the real Jo. Jo doubles over in pain. Stefano tells everybody that Jo's DNA is decomposing, and her life is in danger. With Julia's help they might be able to jump-start Jo's DNA using the data left in the system.

Back at the range Fake Jo tells Fargo the truth. She says she did in part to get him to notice her. Fargo says he'd like to get to know the real Julia.

Despite being in worse shape, Julia risks her life to fix Jo first. In the end both of them are put back to normal.

Allison tells Julia there will be a hearing regarding her behavior, but she will be allowed to stay in town pending a review. The DNA monitor is going back into testing, to which Henry is happy about. He felt using it was against people's civil liberties.

Carter passes his test with high marks, though not as high as Jo. Jo meets him afterwards and tells him that she's happy he's back on duty.

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Carter has very little screen time in this episode, presumably to facilitate Colin Ferguson's directing.
  • The title is a play on "Your place or mine?".
  • Although theoretically a bi-annual event, these tests are never seen/mentioned in later years, or earlier ones for that matter.